Year Zero | When was year 1 born? | What happened in Year 0? | Detailed Report: Calendar

A day without this is impossible and difficult, from birth to death, all religious activities, social activities, administrative activities, and daily activities. Imagine a day without this. The form of presentation may vary on technology development from paper to digital.

A table or chart or series of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular information.

It is a physical record of the period, days, weeks, months, and years. The calendars are designed to record the movement of the earth around the sun and the revolution of the moon around the earth.

This is also a physical record for the different seasons, different special activities like Amavasya, full moon day.

In the ancient time, people used the lunar month for marking the month and days of the month.

A lunar month is 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 2.9 seconds.

For the first time the Egyptian calendar back in 4000 BCE, divided the year into 12 months. The first day of the month begins with the brightest star Sirius. The time taken for the helical rising of Sirius, which is the same as our solar year (365.242199 days). So they calculated as 365 days.

 Mayan calendar is more accurate than the Gregorian system. The Mayan back in the 5th century, the three calendars used by Mayans, one of the calendar is base on the revolution of Venus combined with the solar calendar to get a more accurate calendar. The calendar ended in the year 2012, which gave a notion of earth's end.

Gregorian calendar is accurate to 26 seconds a year. This calendar is more precise in calculating leap year which is divisible by 4 and divisible by 100. Unless it is divisible by 100 it is said to be a leap year.

Year which is divisible by 4 and divisible by 100. Unless it is divisible by 100 it is said to be a leap year.

Naming of the Months

January: named after Janus
Ancient Calendar
February: in honor of Februus
March: named after Mars
April named after Aphrodite
May named after Maia
June: named after Juno
July: named after Julius Caesar
August: named after Augustus Caesar
September: from the Latin for seven
October: from the Latin for eight
November: from the Latin for nine
December: from the Latin for ten

Zero Year

Zero year does not exist in the AD system or Gregorian calendar and the next calendar Julian Calendar. The system is followed by the 1 BC and then by AD 1.

AD which denotes after Jesus born Anno Domini meaning “In the year of Lord”.

BC which denotes before Jesus born Before Christ.

The Gregorian calendar is widely used calendar in the world. This calendar is based on the 365 days common year divided into 12 months in regular lengths

As there may be a different calendar in the world but India has its calendar, the astrologers in India use Panchag or Panchangam( Hindu calendar based on the lunar calendar) this calendar is mainly used in the fixing marriage date and other religious activities.

With the advance modification of the Indian solar calendar, the other calendars are also used in India.

Religious holidays are based on the lunar calendar which is specified accordingly with the position of moon and Sun. The major festivals and spiritual activities are based on the lunar date.

The Vedic Astrology or calculating the muhurat with the apparent position of the sun and the moon.

The Indian calendars are mostly attached to 3 type of calendars

Solar Calendar – This calendar is based on the motion of the sun every year.

Lunar Calendar – This calendar is based on the monthly phases of the moon and its cycle. Mainly this calendar is followed by the Islamic community for their spiritual activities.

Lunisolar Calendar – This calendar accumulates both the lunar and solar calendar.

Naming of months

Janus - The ancient Roman god of beginning, gates, time, passages, and ending.

The god is symbolized with two faces. The month is conventionally known as January.

Februrs – The Roman god meant for the god of Purification. The word Februrs means “Purifier”. This also better know for the roman god Pluto. The month conventionally known as February.

Mars - the month March depicts the planet Mars and the 4th planet of our solar system.

Aphrodite - This month depicts the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. This goddess is a beautiful woman with wings. The goddess is the roman god of Venus.


Maia - The parents of the goddess are Atlas and Pleione. Loved by Zeus. This goddess is Known as Nursing mothers. This goddess depicts the constellation Pleiades.

Juno - The ancient Roman goddess. She is the wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mars. She is also known as the Protector and special counselor.

Julius Caesar - Julius Caesar is known as the god of both good and bad. This god has the ability of leadership by nature.

Augustus Caesar - Named after the Roman Emperor Augustus Caesar

What ever may be the number of calendar available, all the ancient and modern astrologer's calculation is based on the position of the planets and the rotation and revolution of the planet. The days, weeks, months, years and its seasonal changes are predicted on this planetary changes.

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