SpaceX: Reinventing Future | Creating History | SpaceX Launch

SpaceX is a private aerospace company that is also known as a space exploration technology corporation. They are specialized in aerospace manufacturer and space transportation service.

The company was started by Elon Musk in 2002. The main motive of the company is to minimize the cost of space transportation and the colonization of Mars. SpaceX has developed many launch vehicles and Dragon spacecraft.

SpaceX is the first private company to make a liquid-propellant rocket(Falcon-1 ) to reach the earth’s orbit. First, a privately funded company to send a spacecraft to ISS(International space station) and also to orbit the sun.

SpaceX sent a Tesla car to space which is currently flying in space.

These achievements are done through the perfect collaboration with NASA. With this collaboration, SpaceX has developed a Human rating certificate to safely transport humans to space and bring back.

The first flight demonstration required by NASA was done on March 2, 2019(Crew Dragon Demo). Set to launch its first flight on May 27, 2020(Crew Dragon 2).

Vertical landing was first established with Falcon 9 on December 2015. And also landed on the ocean drone ship in April 2016.

On announcing the launch of Starlink Project, and become the largest commercial satellite constellation operator in the world.

CEO of SpaceX Elon Musk announced the interplanetary transport with private fund and launch system was developed.

Some achievements of SpaceX are

  • Falcon 1 first privately funded liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit.
  • First private space company to launch and recover the spacecraft.
  • First private space company to spacecraft to ISS.
  • First relaunch and safe landing of used rocket.
  • First private company to send orbitary to the sun.
  • First company to send autonomous spacecraft to ISS.

Launching into space

Falcon 9 will be launched on May 27, this would be the second crew Dragons demonstration. This also called demo mission 2.

The flight will be tested with NASA astronauts Bob Behnken and Doug Hurley will return human flight to earth.

The launch window opens a 4:33 p.m EDT with a backup launch available on May 30 at 3:22p.m. EDT and on Sunday, May 31 at 3:00 p.m.

SpaceX human flight will be certified by NASA.

SpaceX is returning the human flight to earth with a safe and most advanced system ever made.

Different stages of Launch

Liftoff- The first stage is to liftoff. first and second stage is separation. The second stage accelerates to orbit velocity.

Orbit Activation- the second stage is the separation of Falcon from Dragon and performs initial orbit activation and checkouts the propulsion, life support, and thermal control systems.

Phasing Burns- Delta velocity orbit uplift maneuver which pushes to the international space station.

Approach Initiation- Linking with International Space Station to get command for final orbit rise.

Proximity Operation- Dragons makes connection with the international space station for relative navigation.

Docking & Pressurization- final approach to docks with the international space station and pressurize and dock opens.


Docking- SpaceX Dragon crew will check for the control system and test for environment control and life support.

The spacecraft is designed to work autonomously but the mission Crew will need to monitor the approach and docking.

Different Stages of Return

Departure- The Dragon will autonomously detach from the international space station and burn to move away from the orbiting space station.

Phasing Burns- The Dragon performs the series of lowering process aligning to landing.

Trunk Jettison- The Computer orders the Dragon to unburn and save the propellant.

Deorbit Burn-  Deorbit burn, which lasts ~12 minutes.

Re-Entry- Entering into earths atmosphere, Dragon experiences excess heating and drag.

Parachutes deploy- Two drogue parachute at 18,000 feet, and the four main parachute at 6,500 feet.

SplashOff- With the help of main parachutes, the velocity downs. The Dragon splashes in Florida’s Atlantic Coast.

 Reinventing Future | Creating History

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